Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Blog: Wiki So Far

I have not edited the Wiki as of right now. However, I do plan on adding a fitness section into the Wiki. Over these past few years, there has been a massive growth in the fitness industry, especially in bodybuilding and powerlifting. The industry has grown so big thanks to the use of new media. There are tons of excellent fitness Youtube channels out there that provide quality fitness resources for those who want to begin. I think it is necessary to spread useful information to promote this healthy community into the public.


  1. Hello! I think it is a great idea, maybe you can also talk about people who become famous on social media, and now they are "body builder" referents.

  2. Woah!Do you powerlift yourself? I would love to learn more about this community from your wiki.

  3. Hey Jiahao! I've noticed that too. The fitness and health industry has definitely had a boost in popularity with the young millennials going towards healthier lifestyles.I'm excited to read your post now!
